Transitioning from Fear into Faith

personal development Sep 21, 2023
Open Bible Coffee clock notepad faith over fear words

Transitioning From Fear into Faith 

The challenge of curses 

How many times have you been bitten by the spirit of fear?  

I remember as a little girl, running after my father as his car pulled away from the curb in front of our house. It was Sunday afternoon. This was the day I spent with my father, who went weekly to check on his father, my grandfather. He lived in the countryside. After a long ride, my dad would stop at a country store and buy me a strawberry ice cream cone, my favorite. If it was not winter, the next stop would be at a well of spring-fed water that was always cold and delicious. When we arrived, my grandfather would serve a cake he had baked on his wood-burning stove. Sunday afternoon with my father and grandfather was special to me. 

One Sunday, I saw my father’s car pull away from the curb in front of our house. Although I was small, I vividly remember the panic of being left behind. Tears in my eyes and running down my face, I tripped, fell on the concrete sidewalk, and began to bawl. Tears flooded down my face, and my voice was loud enough to bring my mother from the house to see what the problem was.  

I didn’t cry again until I turned 40 and got delivered from the spirit of fear and other spirits that had invaded my life. From that day on, I seemed to fight fear from many directions. How did I fight fear in the natural? One way was starting a “dare” club when I was in upper elementary school. The members were all boys, and I was their leader. Everything I did defied fear.  

Fear is an evil spirit sent straight from our adversary (2 Timothy 1.7) Fear is a curse. God blesses. Satan curses. Daily we choose who we will serve, satan or God. Did you know that your worst fears will come upon you unless you learn how to master this spirit? 

Blessings come from God. He worked with man and woman in the garden He created for them (Genesis 1.20-31). Adam and Eve lost their blessings when they took God out of their decision-making. Leaving the garden, they were now open to the curses of sickness, disease, death, decay, and much more.  

Daily we choose who we will serve: the prince of the power of the air on this earth, or our Heavenly Father and Jesus in the Kingdom of God. All the blessings and promises written in the Bible are Father’s will for His children. Like Adam and Eve, we have a choice. If Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit are our life-focus, blessings flow in our lives. Yes, there are battles, but we fight from a place of victory (Romans 8.37-39).  

A favorite example of God warring on our behalf is found in 2 Chronicles 20. Jehoshaphat knew His God and what to do. Jehoshaphat surrendered to God’s ways and trusted Him. This was the only way. The battle was the Lord’s. The Israelites fasted, prayed, and praised. God went before them, and it took the Israelites three days to gather all the goods left by their enemies. 

We can only scratch the surface of fear and faith. Know how our adversary works quietly, but effectively, to trap people into an iron-clad cycle of curses. Determine to escape from the steel trap that will both wound and immobilize us.  

Manifested Fear 

  • Anxiety and stress. 
  • Doubt in self. 
  • Nightmares. 
  • Paralyzed (feet stuck; can’t move forward). 
  • Throwing up.  
  • Migraine headaches. 
  • Door phobia (fearful of going outside). 
  • Panic attacks. 
  • Seizures (even once every hour or more daily). 
  • Fear of death. 
  • Feeling overwhelmed. 
  • Confusion. 
  • Feeling stuck. 
  • Much more. 

The Bible mentions fear over 300 times and worry and doubt over 600 times. Our adversary is effective in this area. He plays with our minds in sneaky ways. Song of Solomon 2.15 says that it is the little things (“little foxes”) that can potentially do a lot of harm.  

We must let go of our worries and doubts, or we cannot go ahead with God’s plans and purposes in our lives. When we step into faith, taking that leap to include Jesus in the impossible, our destiny emerges.  

Father wants us to have unstoppable faith!!! This faith demands a partnership that releases the impossible in and through us. This is a choice. 

We can go on an adventure with Jesus, take risks, and allow God to move. The other alternative is staying in our cave of curses, with closed fists. Choosing fear is a direct disobedience to God. Instead of choosing blessings, we are walking in the curses of the enemy.  


False Evidence Appearing Real 

Fears are often rooted in our past. Someone, often out of concern, has demanded they: 

  • Not to get their clothes dirty.  
  • Can’t eat certain foods or they will get fat.  
  • Must not ride on a bus or they might get hurt.  
  • Must carry an umbrella. 
  • Are to wear a sweater or they will catch a cold.  

If they forget a sweater, guess what? When they feel symptoms, they receive a cold. Did you know that the devil, as the father of lies, can give us symptoms?  

Our Bible says sickness is not our inheritance. By His stripes, we were healed. Isaiah 53.5-6, the words “we are healed” are in the past tense (1 Peter 2.24). 

Sickness and disease are not in heaven. Let’s go Father’s way, not the will of our enemy. Face your fears and rise above. Check out the promised blessings in Deuteronomy 28. 

Before stepping out on stage to give a speech, I used to recite scriptures Holy Spirit gave me. I had spent time in praise and worship to settle my soul. Then I did not listen to those voices of doubt and worry in my mind. Stepping on stage with Holy Spirit, the anointing would come as I spoke. When the Bible tells us not to worry about what we will say, this means in all circumstances. I purpose to keep God in the center of everything, every day, everywhere.  


Faith is not feelings 

  • Forgiveness (usually forgiving ourselves). 
  • Attitude (of gratitude). 
  • If we don’t consistently tune in with our spiritual ears to Holy Spirit, we can become jaded, which is why I choose inspiration over isolation. 
  • Trust by reading and agreeing with the Word, His love-letter to us. 
  • Help & Serve. 

Forward All Issues To Heaven. Pray, knowing that our Heavenly Father hears you.  

There is someone close to me who cannot trust either God or people. Over the years, Father has sent many people to help him. The vision and potential excited each person to help market. The person continues to grip his wonderful achievements tightly.  

Many of us have heard the story of the man on the roof in a flood who asks God for help. The water continues to rise. God sent a rowboat, a motorboat, and a helicopter. Each time someone comes to the rescue, the man turns them down, saying He is waiting on God to rescue him. The man drowned. In heaven, the man asked God why he had drowned. “I had faith in You, but You let me drown. I do not understand why.” God said He had answered the man’s prayer by sending the rowboat, motorboat, and helicopter. The man had preconceived ideas of how God would rescue him from drowning. He gripped hard his own thoughts, rather than looking for God to move in unique ways.  

I have learned over the years to hang onto life loosely, giving God room to move. Developing discernment from reading the Bible with Holy Spirit, I do whatever He says, even if I do it scared. I try to keep my hands off and be willing to change. I OBEY BEFORE I CAN SEE ANY RESULTS.  

Trusting God will shut the door if something is not of Him, I go forward unless He slams the door. I heard someone say, “It’s a go, unless it is a no.” 

The world is moving at a super-fast pace. There is no more time for waiting or watching. Have you heard the expression, “If you snooze, you lose?” There is a part of me that does not want to be left behind in anything! Let’s run with perseverance, the race God has marked out for us.  

Our Father often gives us a vision or an assignment. We begin running, and as we go forward, we come to a mountain that we must climb. As we climb the mountain of our assignment, we go one step at a time, knowing that, with Jesus, we will make it to the top and get a broader view.  

I listened to a woman explain what she would do in ministry over the next ten days in Jerusalem. Taking a team of prayer warriors with her, she will speak at a large convocation to bless Israel, with over 150 countries taking part. Receiving a large vision from more than one person, that she will affect the Middle Eastern nations. Not knowing how things will come to be, she takes one step at a time. Living with Jesus at the center, this young woman does not worry about tomorrow. She walks blindly into her future, focused on the Lord. This woman said, “Would you believe? I was always afraid to fly!” God said, she did, and fear had to leave her mind. When it attempted to return, she learned not to open the door.  

Ask Holy Spirit to alert you to the wiles of the enemy to capture your mind. Anxious thoughts can develop into paralyzing fears that oppose God and isolate you. Choose faith to avoid curses and release blessings over your life.