The Impossible Request: When God Calls You to Step Beyond Your Comfort Zone

personal development Sep 04, 2024
Hourglass sky exchange student silhouette

Picture this: I’m in my bedroom in sunny Arizona, USA, surrounded by the usual chaos of packing for an international trip. “In just three days, I’ll be heading back to Japan for three weeks,” I thought. Normally, I thrive on my daily walk and talk with the Lord, but as the departure date loomed, a heavy weight began to settle on my shoulders. Joy seemed to slip through my fingers, replaced by an unsettling heaviness. 

I did what I’ve learned to do in these moments—I pushed the heaviness away, commanding it to leave. After all, joy is from Heaven, not this spirit of heaviness. 

Just when I thought my plate was full, my close Finnish friend reached out with a favor so audacious that it took my breath away. Now, we both hear from the Lord, so when she asked me to pray about it, I knew she wasn’t kidding. But her request? Well, it felt impossible. 

She wanted me to consider taking in a fifteen-year-old high school student from Finland—a young man in desperate need of a new home. His current situation? A nightmare. He had been placed in a homestay family that was all wrong for him.  

Imagine being stuck in a foreign country, living with a single dad who’s too busy with work and two young kids to notice that you’re drowning. The young man was expected to cook, clean, and babysit—when could he study? To make matters worse, he was being dragged to religious assemblies that clashed with his beliefs. 

Three weeks into his exchange program, with nowhere else to turn, he called home, and his family began to pray. And let me tell you, when prayers are lifted with the kind of desperation that comes from a loving family, God listens. 

My friend’s small house was bursting at the seams, leaving her unable to take him in. But me? I lived in a spacious home with three sons, a daughter, and an empty bedroom. Still, I thought, "Impossible, Lord. I’m leaving in three days! How on earth can I do this?" 

That night, as I climbed into bed, I knew what I had to do, even though I felt overwhelmed. I couldn’t refuse to ask the Lord for guidance. This wasn’t just about logistics—it was about aligning with God’s will, even when it seemed impossible. 

As I drifted to sleep, a song kept playing in my head: “Nothing is impossible with You, my Lord. I believe, I believe….” But honestly? I wasn’t sure I did. I asked God to speak to me about this request, knowing He was waiting for me to seek His view. 

The next morning, His answer was clear as day: 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. 

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." 

Suddenly, the impossible didn’t seem so impossible anymore. How could I refuse to help someone in need, especially when God had comforted me so many times before? I sighed, took a deep breath, and said, "Okay, Lord, I’ll do my best." You are in charge and you accomplish Your will. 

I added several new tasks to my already long “To Do” list. I met the young man, listened to his story, and was heartbroken by what he’d been through. Beyond the homestay issues, the school he attended was riddled with problems—there were gun-detecting machines and police officers patrolling the grounds around the clock. Hand-picked for the exchange program, this was not the Lord’s will for this fifteen-year-old who did not deserve to have hands tied.  

With my action list in hand, I moved quickly. I arranged a school transfer, conducted interviews, and even managed to squeeze in a sports health exam. My friend signed liability papers for the three weeks I’d be absent, covering all the bases. Daily she would check and spend time with him. 

And you know what? Miracles happened. One after another, doors opened, paperwork was approved, and everything fell into place. I boarded my plane to Japan with time to spare, my last interview wrapping up just before I left the house. 

This experience taught me a powerful lesson: when Father wants something done in and through us, and we submit to His will, anything is possible. 

So, won’t you try relying on Him, rather than your own thoughts?  

When you face the impossible, remember that God’s comfort and guidance are just a prayer away. He’s ready to work miracles in your life, just as He did in mine. Trust Him and see what happens when you take that step of faith!