Love and Healing Part 3 Ten Points

personal development Jul 26, 2023
Open Bible Light Healing

Guide to Aspects of Healing 

We can look at healing from many angles and perspectives. Although I cannot cover everything, I have pulled out a few lessons I have learned. What I write is for you to ponder and ask yourself what Holy Spirit wants you to add to your life. And yes, we can agree to disagree on some things. As usual, I give many Bible verses to give you shortcuts.  

My focus will be on: 

  1. Child-like Faith  
  2. The Devil and Counteracting 
  3. Power of Agreement 
  4. Choice and Consequence of Sin  
  5. Natural Elements–accidents and stewardship 
  6. What if you pray and there is no healing 
  7. God is Sovereign 
  8. Expectations 
  9. Common Tricks to the Mind 
  10. We have the Blood, Holy Spirit, and the Word by which we fight the good fight of faith 

Some scriptures will overlap. 


1. Child-like Faith 

James 5.15: The prayer offered in faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. 

Jesus often referred to a person being healed because of their faith or the faith of their friends. Expecting miracles, signs, and wonders, when we pray for ourselves, our family, and others, we pray with child-like faith. The reason is simple. Jesus said many times that faith was the key to healing.  

a. Examples: 

  • Matthew 2.1-11: Jesus saw the faith of four friends who lowered the paralytic through the roof (vs. 5). 
  • Matthew 8.5-10: The Centurion had faith concerning his servant. 
  • Matthew 9.18-32: Jairus, the woman with the issue of blood, the blind man, and the man who was mute and demon-possessed.  
  • Mark 5.21-43: Jairus and the woman with the issue of blood. 
  • Luke 8.40-56: Jairus had child-like faith for his daughter, who had died.  

b. Non-Judean, Cornelius. 

Acts 10: Cornelius was a Roman centurion who gave generously to people in need and prayed to God. He had child-like faith.  

When an angel visited him with a message to bring Peter to his home, Cornelius did. God proved Himself to be no respecter of persons when the gift of the Holy Spirit poured out on Cornelius’ family and close friends. They spoke in tongues and praised the Lord. God baptized with Holy Spirit. Peter baptized them in water. Peter stayed with them for a few days. Cornelius and his family had child-like faith, and God blessed them. YHWH, God of the Universe, told his friend Abram He would make from Abram a great nation, and all the world would be blessed (Genesis 12.1-3). Cornelius was an example of a non-Judean whom God blessed. Cornelius trusted God and did what God said.  

c. Increase Your Faith. 

Do you need to increase your faith? Below are some keys to growing your faith for healing. 

  • Fast and pray.  
  • Read the Word with Holy Spirit as your teacher. He will personalize the Word.  
  • Memorize scriptures. 
  • Confess, profess, decree, and proclaim scriptures as Holy Spirit leads. 
  • Focus on the Truth of the Word. 
  • Ask Holy Spirit’s help.  
  • Jesus gave an example in Mark 9.14-29. He asked the man if he believed for his son, who had a deaf and dumb spirit from childhood. The son foamed at the mouth, and the demons often threw him into fire or water to kill him. The man answered, “Yes, help me in my unbelief!” (vs. 24). In verse 29, Jesus taught his disciples to pray and fast.  
  • Praying in tongues will build your faith. 

d. Doubt 

  • Not believing God can, will, or wants to heal us negates healing. 
  • Doubt nullifies faith. It can open the door for the demonic.  
  • Fear will cancel trust. 
  • Mark 6.4-6: Jesus could do little in his hometown because of their unbelief. Healing needs faith. 
  • Acts 9.32-42: Peter raises Dorcas from the dead and puts the others who doubted out of the room.  

When I prayed, asking Father why some precious saints were very sick and had several traumatic surgical operations. They love God and know the Word. Many have been in ministry for years and have even taken beatings for their faith in Jesus. Father answered that some do not think He will or can heal them or that He does not love or forgive them for something they have done.  

Our adversary works hard to derail our faith and delay our destiny. Stand on the Name of Jesus and who He is and does. The Word is Truth to empower us.  

e. The Power of Prayer With Faith. 

Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the church’s elders, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.  

And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will receive forgiveness.  

You should pray for one another and confess your trespasses to one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of the righteous avails much.  

James 5.14-16 


2. The Demonic 

When we accept Jesus, Father sends His Holy Spirit to live with our spirit. Our Heavenly Father is the Father of Lights (James 1.17). We become His children of light. The devil has power but no authority unless granted. Please stop and think about what we might receive from the dark side. Often, unknowingly, we permit him to cause illness. We agree with his lies rather than the Word of God, our Truth. God is our Great Physician, our Healer. 

We will learn to close the doors we have opened to our adversary. 

a. What the Devil Can and Cannot Do 

  • The Evil One cannot overcome the Holy Spirit of God. Holy Spirit is upon and within believers of our Creator-God and Jesus. There are many examples in the Old and New Testament. Holy Spirit has the same power as when He raised Christ from the dead. Demons cannot enter believers because of the indwelling of Holy Spirit, one with our spirit, but they can send sickness. 
  • Job 1.1-2.8 example: The devil directly sent sickness and suffering to Job. The entry point was Job’s fear.  
  • If our adversary can send sickness, he can also send symptoms. If you have pain, for instance, you can check to see if this is from a spirit of pain.  
  • People receive illness through their thoughts, words, and actions.  

When she healed many people, June Newman Davis noted that many believers lost their healing when they doubted or agreed with symptoms. They bought the lies of the devil. 

She began a notebook of Scriptures to counteract doubt-thoughts. When published, she called it “Scripture Keys.” People in many countries translated it into at least 19 languages. We translated “Scripture Keys” into Japanese. Divided into topics, she provided scriptures to use as the Sword of the Spirit against our adversary (Ephesians 6.17). 

b. Demons are Unredeemed 

  • Jesus redeemed humans at the Cross. He purchased us by His blood.  
  • Redeemed, we have the imputed righteousness in Jesus. (2 Corinthians 5.1-10; Phil 3.21). 
  • Unredeemed demons can’t dwell within redeemed believers but can mess with their minds. 
  • There is debate about the salvation of those believers who willfully turn their back on Jesus to practice witchcraft. 

 c. Demonic Attack Examples 

  • Matthew 8.14-34: The demon-possessed set free. 
  • Matthew 9.1-8: The paralytic. 
  • Matthew 9.14-29: The deaf and dumb spirit in the young man throws him into fire and water. 
  • Matthew 9.32-33: The possessed set free.  
  • Matthew 10.1: Jesus gave his disciples authority to cast out demons and heal all kinds of sickness and disease.  
  • Matthew 12.22: The blind man who was mute and demon-possessed.  
  • John 3.8: Demonic attack on believers. 

Not all sickness is demon possession, but demons can send in sickness. “Sozo,” the Greek word for salvation, includes healing and deliverance from the demonic.  

Jesus gave us the authority to rebuke the spirit of infirmity. Command it to leave. If you have faith and it remains, it is not demonic. Make sure you do a heart check on your faith. Child-like faith is imperative.  


 3. The Power of Agreement 

Sickness itself isn’t always demonic.  

Some people have symptoms and receive illness by agreeing with symptoms. 

“I have a cold.” Or “I am coming down with a headache.” These would be simple examples. 

 a. Counteract with scriptures as Jesus did when he faced the devil in Matthew 4. Jesus declared the Word of God 

 b. Generational Curses 

  • One drop of the blood of Jesus is more powerful than anything that repeats in generations. 
  • Do not think your child is sick because of your sins. That is a lie from the enemy. 
  • Believing in an earth curse can cause fear. Instead, believe in the Word of God. Job’s worst fears came upon him. He opened the door for the enemy to have access to his life. The adversary sent sickness and suffering. 
  • Some things considered generational curses are bad habits passed from one generation to the next that may result in illness. Simple examples: too much sugar and fatty foods, no exercise, and more. Results are a low immune system, fatty liver, excess weight, or more. 

c. Use the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God 

  • What are scriptures you can decree and declare over situations? 

“By the stripes of Jesus, we were healed” (1 Peter 2.24). 

  • “No weapon formed against me shall prosper” (Isaiah 54.17). 
  • There are many verses we can declare and decree. Holy Spirit will bring scripture to remembrance (John 14.26). 
  • Use scriptures Holy Spirit drops into your thoughts.  
  • Purchase an inexpensive book on the promises of God or make your own list in a notebook as Holy Spirit leads. 

Illness is not our inheritance in Christ. The promises of God are your inheritance. Decree and declare the promises rather than the symptoms. The Name and characteristics of God are your inheritance. Use the names of Jesus. Consider your blessings. Know what a curse is.  

As I wrote this article, I had a stabbing pain in my head. Putting my hands on my head, I declared, “I have the mind of Christ.” The spirit of pain had to leave.  

The easiest way to understand our inheritance in Christ is to ask yourself, what is in Heaven? Sickness and disease are not in Heaven. Neither are depression, anxiety, or panic attacks. Therefore, it is not part of our abundant inheritance when we believe in Jesus Christ.  

Our Bible is the Truth that sets us free. If we serve the Great Physician, our Healer, why is the doctor the first person many believers run to? I am not saying never to see a doctor but consider what the Bible says before you do. The Bible says His stripes healed us (Isaiah 53.5; 1 Peter 2.24). Practice hearing the voice of God by asking Hoy Spirit the source and what He wants you to do.  


 4. People Sin Even When They Know Better 

  • Sin can cause illness. 
  • Sin is being carried away by our desires, even when we know it goes against God’s Word. Demons use our sins against us.  
  • God is Judge in the Highest Court, which is in Heaven. The accuser cannot live in Heaven, but he can visit the courts of Heaven (Job 1). Think of the accuser of the brethren like the prosecutor in a court on earth. He can accuse sinners in Heaven’s Court.  
  • We can take Communion, a covenant meal unworthily. 
  • Jealousy and hatred towards others are reasons some people become sick or die (1 Corinthians 11.23-32). 

Proverbs 14 compares wisdom and foolishness. We are to keep peace in our hearts. In the fear of the Lord, we have strong confidence. It is a fountain of life, and we avoid the snares of death (vs. 26-27). 

Jealousy rots the bones (vs.30). 

A pastor friend of mine, when he directs communion, reminds the congregation of the importance of mending bridges with other people. Relationships need mending. He gives the people time to go to another person, confess any thoughts or words against them, be forgiven, and restore the relationship.  

  • The remedy for sin is repentance. 
  • Examine yourself. Repent with sorrow in your heart, as David did in Psalm 51. We repent from our hearts and not our minds. In our minds, we say, “Sorry.” Our hearts cry out to God because we sin mainly against Him.  
  • Carry no guilt or condemnation. 

The devil will accuse you of your unworthiness. Do not accept guilt and condemnation. When you repent, Heaven justifies you as if you had never sinned. If God forgives you, refuse to accept the lies and forgive yourself. Repentance includes turning your back on sin with determination not to repeat the same action. 


  5. We Live in a Fallen World 

  • 1 Corinthians 12, 7-9: There is a gift of healing because it is needed. Well-known people who heal many people began small. They practiced hearing God and were obedient to do what He said, no matter how impossible it seemed.  
  • I Timothy 5.23: For whatever reason, Timothy had stomach problems. Paul advised a little wine for stomach and other infirmities. 
  • James 5.14-15: Praying for each other and confessing to one another.  
  • Accidents happen, and the body suffers, often for years. 
  • Stewardship of our body by consistently eating an inadequate or unhealthy diet.  
  • Effects such as a mom taking drugs during pregnancy. The baby is born hooked on drugs and needs to detox. I know a woman who took her newborn grandson into her home. She prayed and sang over him daily. She spoke scriptures over him. Today he is healthy, happy, and OK.  


6. If a person is not healed 

  • Trust God anyway, despite what you see.  
  • Have faith and hope it will happen in God’s timing here or in Heaven. 
  • The remedy Paul gave. 

Philippians 4.4-9: Paul, in his last message, teaches us to rejoice, make our needs known, be thankful, stay in peace, and focus on the good.  

A friend has been in a wheelchair with several conditions for a few years since an accident. He and his wife focus on the good in their relationship with God and each other. Their belief in healing is strong. They focus on what they have and not what they do not have.  


7. God is Sovereign 

  • God has His way and timing to heal.  
  • Trust in God so the devil’s lies do not shipwreck your faith. 
  • We may not understand, but we say, “Lord, I trust you.”  


8. Expectations 

  • God’s enabling grace will walk us through life’s challenges. 
  • God is Love, and love does not fail. 
  • Believe in God’s love, forgiveness, faithfulness, and mercies. They are sufficient. 


9. Common tricks by the devil 

  • Fear. 
  • Formulas or having to do and act in specific ways. 
  • Mind torments such as guilt and condemnation.  
  • Our not feeling loved by God or others.  
  • Playing with our emotions.  
  • Rituals we think are necessary. 
  • Superstition, often from culture. 
  • Thinking God doesn’t heal or want to heal us. 


10. We have the Blood, Holy Spirit, and the Word by which we fight the good fight of faith 

  • There is power in the blood of Jesus. Hebrews 9.2; 13.12; 1 Peter 1.18-19, 24; 1 John 7-9 are a few scriptures on the Blood of Jesus. 
  • Why did demons manifest when Jesus came on the scene? Jesus was filled to overflowing with Holy Spirit (Luke 4.1). He sent Holy Spirit to believers (Acts 2). We can overflow with Holy Spirit and out to others. 
  • We are to wear the whole armor of God that includes the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (Ephesians 6.10-18). 

Jesus had great faith. He listened to and worked with His Father by Holy Spirit. They are One. Jesus was crucified, resurrected, and returned to Heaven so that Holy Spirit would be sent through Him to believers. United with Jesus, we are one with Him, one with His Father. Covered with the righteousness of Jesus, Father sees us as righteous. Anything is possible for those who have faith. Signs and wonders follow. 

I hope I have stretched you and you are more aware of the enemy’s tactics. Our battles are in our minds.  

When you feel symptoms, remember that healing was provided for at the Cross, and we have already been healed. Test the spirits to see if they are demonic in origin. Decree and declare scriptures that come to mind. We need not lose our joy and peace in any circumstance. As we practice connecting with Holy Spirit and the presence of God, things get easier. He can move mountains within and around us. 

I vividly remember a pastor’s wife who battled cancer, a spirit of death. According to the doctors, her cancer was confirmed. She checked her heart and asked the Lord if there was something she needed to repent. There was. She repented. What she said to herself throughout the battle for her life was, “Whose report will I believe? I will believe the report of the Lord!”