Love and Healing Part 2
Jun 20, 2023
Love and Healing Part 2
Investigative Agents
Slamming Doors Closed on Our Enemy
Enough is enough, I thought. Emotionally, I was maxed, and my body exhausted. My self-efforts were not working, and I needed help from Jesus. I had too many mind-doors open to my spiritual adversary. I cried out for help and Holy Spirit came to my rescue. Holy Spirit showed me how to slam unhealthy mind-doors shut, no longer allowing the enemy access. He even gave me the scripture-tools I needed.
The enemy leisurely saunters through the open doors in our minds we have opened. The Word of God becomes the Sword of the Spirit, to slam shut these doors of wrong thinking.
Any super-stress I carried worked its way out to affect my body. I learned to fight my good fight of faith with the Word of God, the Sword of the Spirit. I asked Holy Spirit what to proclaim, and He gave me scriptures, which I diligently used. Delivered, I have not been sick emotionally or physically since. Any medical encounters were accident related.
What will you proclaim? What will you decree over your body and mind? You might say, “Sickness is not my inheritance. I refuse to be sick. No weapons formed against me will stand. Devil, you must leave in the Name of Jesus.” He must get out when we stand on the Word and resist the devil (James 4.7). Build a fire-wall around your mind with the truth of the Scriptures. Convince yourself first and then pick up the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, and tell the enemy he has no legal right to your mind and body.
Part One related to how love relates to our emotional and physical health. Part Two will go beyond the big three God gave for leaders and all of us. We can catch the devil knocking on the door of our minds and deal with the little things in daily life. Once the enemy has come through open doors of wrong thinking, he sits down and enjoys playing with our minds. To avoid enormous challenges later, let’s deal now with any thoughts that do not line up with the Word of God. Holy Spirit teaches and guides.
Many believers read their Bibles with Holy Spirit. Others have yet to be taught the vital importance of staying daily in the Word as much as possible. As a result, they remain lukewarm in their faith. Believers who have yet to open their spiritual senses, and do not believe God heals, are quick to embrace the medical system. This is not a criticism. This is how I and many other believers in Jesus grew up.
Our Bibles say God is our Great Physician. I love my Great Physician. He and His Word are my first go-to when I am not feeling 100%. I ask for the source. Holy Spirit is our guide and will download the scriptures we need when we have asked and given permission (John 14.26). If believers do not read their Bibles regularly with Holy Spirit, where is the wealth of the Word within them that Holy Spirit can bring to remembrance? The Word of God is our battle-sword.
I am not against hospitals and doctors. If I am in an accident, someone must take me to the hospital to have x-rays and bones stabilized or set. Sometimes we allow our bodies to get into a state where we need medication for a short while to get on top of things. I look for alternatives to pharmaceuticals that have side effects and lead to other medications. The Greek root “pharma” or “pharmako” is interesting. These words mean witchcraft (to charm, enchant, magic, charm, cure, potion). Even believers become married to the medical system. Good health is our inheritance in Christ. He paid with His Blood on the Cross. Before going to a medical doctor for healing, believers have other options. They can:
- Investigate the innermost cause of their illness.
- Find truth in the Word.
- Go to Jesus for help. He is our Great Physician.
- Rebuke the devil and demons of infirmity, pain, death, and more.
- Not speak words that connect to feelings and not the Word of God.
- Battle with the Word of the Spirit, the Word of God as Holy Spirit directs.
When I had protein smoke inhalation, numbers and letters were reversed. I went to a medical doctor who uses natural supplements as his first choice rather than pharmaceuticals. I watched my mother go from no pharmaceuticals to one which was both habit-forming and had side effects. Within six months, she had twenty because of pharmaceutical side effects, and went to be with the Lord. Historically, tinctures from plants were all people had.
Listen, sweet friends; you do not have to accept illness when you do not feel well. It is not our inheritance in Christ. Nor should you ignore symptoms. What do you do? I use what my Bible says:
- Fight the good fight of faith with the Word.
- The agreement of words is powerful. Be careful not to declare symptoms, feelings, or pain.
- Decree and declare what Holy Spirit says. The Word of Truth counteracts silent or spoken lies.
- Choose to agree with God’s Living Word rather than sickness and disease received from the devil, our adversary.
- Know my inheritance in Christ, shalom covenant blessings, which are completeness in all areas of our lives.
- Choose blessings over curses.
- Be an investigative agent and ask Holy Spirit to reveal what is happening to emotions and body.
- Then I deal with the enemy.
- Decree and declare in faith the Scriptures that Holy Spirit drops into your mind.
A friend of mine, June Newman Davis, an apostle/prophet, healed and delivered many people before she went to be with the Lord. She realized that people often lost their healing when they focused on symptoms and how they felt. June then gave scriptures downloaded from Holy Spirit to each healed person. She had them decree and declare these scriptures at meals and before bed and repeat them when any symptom manifested to build their faith. She wrote the book, “Scripture Keys,” which is translated into 20 languages or more. My husband and I published “Scripture Keys” in Japanese, the 19th language.
Many women friends and relatives of friends are presently going through some major medical procedures. People do not realize the uniqueness of women being able to wear many hats while juggling several plates in the air, like a juggler spinning plates in a circus. Women are tenacious, protective, and great intercessors. My friend, Sharon Corbett, has published a book, “Wow Women.” These excellent wow women are exceptional. And yet, they are often silent sufferers, putting the needs of others before their own. They ignore their physical condition until illness creeps silently within. An older woman may be a family matriarch or does not want to burden others. They need others to pray with and for them. Please be proactive for your miracles. Pick up your sword.
- If you do not feel loved by God, please remember that He decided your physical DNA before time came into being. Our Creator-God does not make mistakes. He hand-crafted you for His plans for your life. Don’t miss your destiny and an intimate relationship with Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. His covenant love is unchangeable.
- I once felt like a squashed daisy under a floor mat, not loving myself. I am now free. When you do not love yourself, remember that God hand-crafted you. Be aware that you are vulnerable to believing the devil’s lies. As the father of lies, he cleverly makes you feel “less than.” Father says He beautifully handcrafts you for His plans and purposes. We were in His heart before our world was created. Look to Him rather than to the critical comments of others about you. As you read your Bible, Holy Spirit will tell you our Heavenly Father’s heart concerning you. He even loves what you dislike or even hate about yourself.
- Life is tough when family members and close friends hurt us.
- Like David, at the end of Psalm 139, my prayer is to ask to show my side in any disagreement. Then I repent. This is my first reaction to someone wounding my heart. I need to be spiritually cleansed. I do not want to be separated from God by sin. God will take care of the other person.
- My next step is to forgive the other person unconditionally. I am not saying to stay with someone who abuses you continually. If we do not forgive the other person, the enemy uses our feelings to hammer our minds until unforgiveness has deep roots. If a gall of bitterness forms, it is now more difficult to unseat the enemy that has set up house in your mind. Bitter roots run deep to the core of our being. Sickness and disease come from inside our minds until they manifest in our bodies.
- Fear crashed Job’s world.
- Forgiveness of self and others is another key to avoid illness.
Forgive, forgive, forgive. Then heart-healing by God can begin. Holy Spirit will help when we ask. Forgetting the hurt may take time. You know you are free when you can talk about the person with no bad feelings. God does not measure as the world does. He wants unity of love with Him and others.
The initial hindrances to healing than the three given by Father to answer the cry of my heart, included:
- Embracing God’s love
- Loving yourself
- Loving God to forgive others
Be investigative agents. If you can check these three, fear and forgiveness, you can embrace your inheritance in Christ. Learning the keys to spiritual prevention can lead us to trust and rely on our Great Physician, instead of a doctor’s office and hospitalization.
Father’s answer to my question of why many precious believers are so sick was love-based. Seated in heavenly places in Christ, focus on the Lord, getting His view. Don’t forget that Jesus went so low in His death to bring us to sit seated spiritually in Him at the right hand of God so that we can get God’s view on all things. The Great Physician waits for us to call on Him. He will give His healing, Wisdom, and with it, Understanding.
“Father, please show us and our loved ones any doors we may have opened to the enemy of our soul. Holy Spirit, please tell us how to bend the bronze bow using the Word of God. You said we fight from victory united with Jesus, not for victory. Give us wisdom to slam shut the doors we have opened in our minds. Please help us be complete in You.”