Leviathan vs. Minds 3 C Freedom From Fear

leviathan vs. minds mindset and goals Jan 23, 2023

Leviathan vs. Minds 3 C Freedom From Fear


How do we address fear? Before receiving Holy Spirit, the disciples of Jesus were anxious and afraid (John 14). Following the ascension of Christ and the coming of Holy Spirit on the 120 in the Upper Room, we see a radical change. Their fear was gone. They now operated in the resurrection power of Holy Spirit.


Deceptive fear goes after the thought life of the believer.


Sometimes we catch fear and kick it out the door. Other times we must, like Queen Esther, press through our fears and do something anyway. Queen Esther obeyed with her life in the balance, and her people were saved.


Gideon is another example of overcoming fear by laying fleece and asking God to prove his faithfulness. Gideon then trusted God and his 25,000 men. The Lord decreased the number to 10,000 and then to 300 men, who were alert and ready. God gave them unusual battle orders against the Midianites. Gideon obeyed, and God won the Glory for winning the battle (Judges 6 and 7).


If we can do things by our own strength, we do not need God, and pride happens. He desires to receive the glory in all things and works with humble, willing people.


Japan has the most extended lineage of one emperor anywhere in the world. The emperor used to be seen as a god by the people. People went to war in the name of the emperor.


Even today, Japanese people continue to look to men to lead them. Japanese Christians listen to pastors and teachers on TV, YouTube, and in books and churches, rather than daily reading the Living Word with Holy Spirit and being filled to overflowing daily. All are good, but reliance and total trust are to be in God and He alone.


We honor men in various ways but must do so in perspective. God can use anyone or any teaching to speak to us, but the richness in our souls comes from knowing the Godhead intimately. With the indwelling of our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ by Holy Spirit, we are enabled to develop a relationship with our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, which is experiential. Jesus opened the door to this relationship through His death and resurrection. The Love of God hung on the Cross for the sake of the world.


God’s River is Love. Satan’s river is pride, and with pride and false pride coupled with fear, a relationship with God does not happen.


We develop a personal relationship and trust in God’s Love as opposed to receiving the fear and pride of Leviathan, who continually uses our mind to usurp God’s ways and cause division.


Pressing Past Fear


King Jehoshaphat is an excellent example for us. Yes, Jehoshaphat feared when a vast army gathered against him. Jehoshaphat, however, was not a fearful man. He understood the meaning of God’s covenant and knew only He had the answer against such odds. Jehoshaphat trusted God to give him a battle plan. The plan came through God’s prophet. The outcome was more than Jehoshaphat could have hoped (2 Chronicles 20).


God’s plans for us will not be thwarted unless we stop or delay them, primarily through fear, pride, disobedience, and lack of understanding.


We, like Jehoshaphat, can stand firm on the Word of God, not give up and worship God, rejoicing and being thankful in all things as was Paul, even in a Roman prison (Philippians Four).


Things happen. We have trials, tests, challenges, and problems as part of our lives. Our God will work something out for our good when we love and worship Him. If God is for us, who can be against us and win? Nothing can separate us from God’s Love. The mindset of Holy Spirit is life and peace (Romans 8).


As Kingdom children of the Most High God, the battles in the Heavens are the Lord’s. He has the Victory Plan. As Jehoshaphat, we worship and wait for His guidance.


Above all, we strive to stay in God’s rest. This is our inheritance in Christ.


Patience is a virtue that I have fought within myself for many years. I thought I was OK until recently when I had a reality check and realized I had lost my patience, my peace, and the song in my heart. Holy Spirit dramatically showed me how my mind had changed for the worse. I repented, and the song in my heart returned, and with it, my peace and a bit more patience.