Aaronic or Priestly Blessing - Shalom

personal development Aug 04, 2024
Open Bible Open Hands receiving blessing

A Translation 
The Lords bless you and keep you. The LORD make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you: The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you Peace.  
Numbers 6.24-26; RSV 

Priestly Blessing 
The LORD will bless you and He will keep you. The LORD will make His face to shine upon you, and He will be gracious to you. The LORD will lift His countenance to you, and He will establish shalom for you. 
Numbers 6.24-26; ONM 

Notice that the LORD said He would bless you (“you” is in singular form as a person or a unified body of believers). “Will” (not “may”) is an absolute. Therefore, the person who is blessing is a committed person who has given their whole heart to the LORD (YHWH). 

Hebrew Words Expanded 
This Scripture contains images that are lost in translations: bless, keep, gracious, countenance, and peace. 

Barakh’ and its related words mean to kneel. An example is Genesis 24.11, when the camels kneeled beside the well.  

In the Aaronic or priestly blessing, the related words mean knee, gift, or present. The meaning is to bring a gift of respect to another. To bless is to give something of value. Our God, YHWH (Yahweh) ‘respects’ us by providing for our needs, and we, in turn, respect our Father by giving ourselves to Him with our whole heart as His servants.  

Although we cannot outgive our God, He loves it when we put Him in the center of everything we do, seek His will and ways, and give Him glory in everything we do. The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. We reverence Him by seeking Him in all things.  

The LORD will bless you spoke of material blessings for life, health, and prosperity as listed in Deuteronomy 28.1-14. 

The Hebrews were nomadic, raising livestock. At night, away from camp with his sheep, a shepherd would construct a corral of protection with thorns to guard the flock. The root word for thorn is “shamiyr” which is to guard and protect. 

YHWH will protect our lives and health, and protect against all evil, sickness, poverty, and calamity. 

The Hebrew word “paniym” is in plural form, reflecting multiple faces of each person (moods, emotions, thoughts). The word also means presence or wholeness, or the being of an individual. There is an expression, “face to face” to signify the presence of God. 

Or’ means light and, as a verb, means to give light or shine equates with bringing about order, such as light illuminates or reveals what has been dark. 

Light is a symbol of happiness, purity, and friendship. The LORD will pour out His divine love and salvation upon us (Psalm 80.20). It also represents a gift of knowledge and moral insight and friendship. 

Often, grace is defined as unmerited favor. However, the Hebrew verb is “haan” meaning being lifted up, healing, help, finding refuge, rescue, and strength. This verb means to provide protection. The Hebrew word for camp (“hanah”) is a place of protection to which one can run. 

He will make us have favor and be loved by others. 

Lifting His countenance is to turn toward us and give us His full attention. Lifting His head to search us out, He will cast His Loving-care/kindness upon us. 

The Hebrew verb “siym” literally means to set down in a fixed and arranged place. 

Shalom or the root word “shalam” is usually in making restitution. When a person causes another to become deficient in any way, it is the responsibility of the person who created the deficiency to restore what has been taken, lost, or stolen. The verb literally means to make whole or complete. The state of shalom is being in a state of wholeness, completeness, or being without deficiency. 

The LORD will see we are firmly established in shalom. He gives every good thing. For instance: health, welfare, security, justice, tranquility, and freedom from disaster. This is only the beginning of our completeness (shalom) in God. 

A Hebraic Understanding and Interpretation of the Aaronic/Priestly Blessing 

YHWH will bless you with the gift of shalom and will guard you with a hedge of protection. 

YHWH will illuminate the wholeness of His Being toward you bringing order and He will give you comfort and sustenance. 

YHYH will lift up His Wholeness of Being and look upon you and He will set in place all you need to be whole and complete. 

“Father, we have lost so much of our promised shalom covenant blessings that You provided for us at the Cross. You long to release these promises to us. 

Please open our spiritual eyes and ears to Your teaching us how to regain the parts of our shalom inheritance we received in Christ, that the kingdom of darkness has stolen. We unknowingly allow robbery. Please forgive us for our negligence. 

We commit our whole hearts to You as Your bondservants. We are Your children, a royal priesthood, willing to bring Your will from Heaven to Earth. Your will must immediately be done on Earth as in Heaven! We long to do Your will. We are Your agents, Your special forces, the ones through whom You work. We purpose to do all we can to walk in Your perfect will and plans for our lives. 

Please teach us, LORD. That is Your desire for Your God-lovers. Amen” 

PS. When a pastor, priest, or rabbi prays this blessing, please put your hands palms up and say, “Yes, LORD, I receive this blessing!”