Leviathan vs. Minds 5 B The Living Word

leviathan vs. minds Mar 01, 2023

Leviathan vs. Minds 5 B The Living Word

How do we understand the concept of the Word of God being alive? Let us not make it complicated.


John 1.1: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God, and all things were made through Him….”


Jesus came to bridge Heaven and earth. He died. He rose again from the dead by the power of the Spirit of God. Believers receive this same Spirit from Father through Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit inspired the writers of the Bible (II Timothy 3.16). Holy Spirit teaches us, guides us in all Truth (the Word), inspires us, and much more. Our Heavenly Father is alive, Jesus is alive, Holy Spirit is alive, and we are naturally supernatural.


Spirit Taught

If we desire not to be deceived by Satan, reading Scripture is essential. The Word is Jesus. Jesus is alive. The Word is Living. It is a two-edged sword dividing the soul and spirit (Hebrews 4.12). The Word is also the battle sword of our armor (Ephesians 6.10-18).


The Word discerns the thoughts and intentions of our hearts and teaches us God’s heart when we ask (Hebrews 4.12). As our teacher, Holy Spirit will reveal our heart through the Word if we permit Him(John 15.1-3). The Living Word speaks to us from within our very being by Holy Spirit. Christ is the Living Word (Hebrews 4.12).


Christ (“Christos” in Greek) means “the anointed.” Hebrew is HaMashiach (“Ha” is “the.” “Mashiach” is anointed. Jesus is the Messiah, the Anointed One. We have Holy Spirit united with our spirit. Thus, we are anointed. The power within us by Holy Spirit seals us in God’s covenant love. Through our faith in Jesus, we are connected to God in a covenant relationship by His Spirit (Ephesians 1.3-14).


God is Love. This love is not a feeling. When we know Love as a Person, we can trust Him and rejoice in all things without fear. As we learn to dwell in the Prince of Peace, we will live in the joy that comes only from relationship with God (Philippians 4). Love, spread across our hearts by Holy Spirit, will help us to love others even when we do not “feel” like it. Although emotions are ever-present, we live by the Word and do not decide by our feelings. The world’s way is to be swayed by our emotions. Satan, out adversary is delighted when there is contention in the home and offenses against others are nurtured. Love and forgiveness are interwoven.


God is Love. Love is found in the Word. What does the Word say? Forgive, turn the other cheek, love others “in spite of” (impossible without God loving others through us), rejoice in all things, and much more. Holy Spirit will supply the Words we need when we need them (John 15.25-27). Pick up the sword of the Word and fight the source.


Living Word

II Corinthians 10.3-6 reminds us not to war against flesh and blood. We have Divine Power and Authority to destroy (violently throw down) strongholds, every argument, and every obstacle of pride in our thoughts and actions. We bring our thoughts under the Word of God.


God did not place every thought in our mind that affects our decision-making! As a result, our emotions can be turned upside down, causing us to lose our place of rest and well-being. Peace is our inheritance. Our adversary bombards our mind with thoughts originating from him, many of which concern relationships. Have thoughts about another person cycled in your mind? Our adversary, the devil, wants our mind to be like a hamster running inside the little wheel in his cage. The last thing we need is our mind to exercise like a hamster. Left unchecked, strongholds and deep roots of bitterness result. We put a fence around our minds by quickly forgiving another person.


If you think another person has wronged you and you do not feel you have to repent, you do not understand Scripture and God’s Ways that are higher. If there is anything between you and another person, make it right quickly before a stronghold is built on either side and disunity happens (Ephesians 4.23-27). In God’s eyes, it does not matter who is right or wrong. Just do your best to reconcile. God commands a blessing in unity (Psalm 133). Disharmony stops His love from flowing in and through us to Him and others.


I have walked through relational issues numerous times and eventually realized there is no way to justify any actions that cause grief on either side. We know the devil messes with our minds to divide and separate people and families. The spiritual air needs to be addressed and cleared for the benefit of all (Matthew 5.21-26; 7.1-5; Luke 6.41-43). Often the other person will not reconcile. Having done all, we give the other person to the Lord.


When being stoned to death, Stephen chose to forgive them (Acts 6 and 7-8.1-3). Saul/Paul was one of those Stephen forgave. I also had to forgive small and large attacks against my mind. Forgiveness is essential to make reconciliation possible. Take Matthew 6.8-15 seriously. You do your part, and God will do His. Forgiveness is a choice. We are commanded to forgive no matter who is at fault. When we forgive and do our best to reconcile, we win. Choosing not to forgive, Satan wins. Read the last part of The Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6.9-13. Then read verses 14-15. We forgive others who have wronged us, and God forgives us. We do not forgive others, and He does not forgive us. Forgiveness is a command. To not forgive is sin, and sin separates us from God. Jesus on the Cross forgave. Stephen, when being stoned, forgave. The heavens opened for both Jesus and Stephen. We are to walk with an open heaven over us in direct communication with our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.


There is healing through forgiveness (James 5.6). Our relationship with God and others is closely related. Our fellowship with God is hindered when we ignore what God has asked us to do to make things right. By letting go of our emotional hurts, we slam the door on our enemy and trust God to deal with the other person. Right or wrong does not enter the equation. He is the Vindicator of all.


I had to practice letting go of pride and self-justification. Be humble. Never say you have no fault and need not repent or try to make things right with another person. If either side retains hurt, the enemy wins. As the Body of Christ (the anointed ones), we lose something precious: supernatural Peace, Joy, and our place of Rest. Many years may have been lost due to the disunity that has sadly separated people. Do your best to right any wrongs, and you will find emotional freedom as I did.


When we begin to get rid of thoughts that do not align with God’s Truth, this may keep us busy at first as we rid ourselves of old mindsets. We are to be alert to the schemes of the enemy of our soul. We become more skilled at discerning as we develop a sensitivity to the voice of Holy Spirit. Ask the Lord to open your spiritual senses. As we mature in our relationship with Jesus Christ, we learn to have His mind and view spiritually seated in Heavenly Places in Christ. Trusting Christ, a friendship is built with Him.


David knew the importance of his heart being revealed and the vital need for Holy Spirit to be operating in His life (Psalms 51; 139.23-24). Our Father searches our hearts and knows our every thought. His faithfulness and mercy abound more than we can comprehend. We call on Him, and He will come. He hears the cries of our hearts.


Scripture read with Holy Spirit as our teacher and revelator reveals God’s heart and personalizes the Word to us. The light of the personalized Word He gives us becomes what we need in all areas of our life, day by day and moment by moment. Holy Spirit helps us develop the Mind of Christ, but we must do our part by not allowing satan to have a foothold through unresolved offense, anger, and unforgiveness. The mixture creates an unstable mind instead of Love, Peace, and Joy.


I have seen people develop a root of bitterness toward another person that eventually runs deep within, stopping the flow of God’s Love in and through them and/or preventing being saturated with the anointing of Holy Spirit, our power source. “I desire my soul to be saturated with the goodness, the richness of God (Psalms 63.1-8) and walk in the anointing of the resurrection Power that raised Christ from the dead (Psalms 63.1-8), don’t you also?”


We must get past the basics of our faith to walk in greater trust in God, including total trust and surrender to the reality of Who our Heavenly Father Is. We are sealed by God’s Spirit when we believe in Christ. Perhaps people do not lose their salvation when they walk away from God for a season. But life is much more complicated if they do not stay connected to the Source (John 15.1-17). Unfortunately, I have seen many Christians either become dull or shipwrecked in their faith. They do whatever they want to do but are never happy. They have no trust in God. Our God never deserts them, however. This is the covenant love of God that is beyond human understanding.


The fullness of Joy is our strength in Holy Spirit. He spreads the Love of God across our hearts, revealing things we have not known. As we develop a wonderful fellowship, the Spirit of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Power, and Knowledge (intimate relationship with the Godhead), as He teaches us, the reverential Fear of the Lord within us matures us in God’s love. Holy Spirit as Teacher, Helper, Comforter, and Stand Alongside Person even opens our spiritual senses to an unfamiliar realm.


Heaven Bound

Many believers argue that we are sealed with Holy Spirit forever. Others say, “No way!” What if someone dies with unforgiveness and bitterness in their heart? My father, a Christian, almost did. The offense went deep inside of him, and a root of bitterness went deep. Just before he died, our daughter spiritually saw demons in his blind eyes, dealt with them, and my father went to heaven. Unknowingly, I was praying in Australia at the same time.


I have an Apostle friend who has visited the City of God several times. Having a heart for young people, he had always wondered concerning two particular young men he was close to who had walked away from Christ in a big way and had died in their twenties. The young men walked away from Jesus, but Jesus did not leave or forsake them. On two of his visits to Heaven, my friend met each of them. They had been in some sort of education or training, and God took my friend to Heaven’s city on what appeared to be the graduation day of one of the young men. His experience further confirmed what I had thought Holy Spirit had said in the Word. My favorite Scripture concerning this is Ephesians 1.11-14. God alone has the key to Heaven. He decides.


There are so many layers in Scripture for Holy Spirit yet to reveal. Also, there are many interpretations of the Scriptures by various scholars. This makes it essential for those who desire to build a friendship with Christ to read the Living Word with Holy Spirit, who inspired the Scriptures (II Timothy 3.10-17). Do not get caught up in debates. Agree to disagree even on the issues presented above.


Carolyn Terada