Leviathan vs. Minds Pt C The Battle to Release Love

leviathan vs. minds Jan 13, 2023

The Battle to Release Love in our Lives

Leaky Buckets

Most of us are not allowing Christ to move in and through us to a broken world as His vessels of Love. As a result, we are leaky buckets.


When our love buckets have holes, we do not see where repentance is necessary, it is difficult to forgive others, offenses occur, and there is confusion. Pride and fear are prevalent. The spirit of the leviathan twists words. Both parties need to hear correctly what the other said. The filters are corrupted. God is not a God of confusion and chaos. The Leviathan causes chaos.


Our inheritance in Christ includes promises of peace (Isaiah 9.6-7; John 14.27; 1 Corinthians 14.33). Christ came not to condemn the world but to save the world (John 3.16-17). Saving is a daily lifestyle, not a “one-off.”



The love of God flowed from Father, through Jesus, and then to us. Jesus closed the gap between heaven and earth.


We are to be a love bridge to connect God in us to our families, churches, and workplaces rather than condemning the actions of others who have different ways of seeing things. Jesus did not throw his weight around. “Being right” is legalism. Leadership is servanthood (John 131-8).


We are His hands, feet, and voice on this earth. The harvest is ripe, and workers are needed. Legalism has no place in the harvest. Jesus needs us to hear Him. His sheep listen to His voice. He knows us, and we follow Him (John 10.27). Or do we?


David states his leviathan dilemma in Psalm 56.5. The adversary, the twisting serpent, has won a battle in the minds of David’s associates. Do not allow this spirit to corrupt your mind.


Please understand me. It is not that we do not love and honor God or are not going to live eternally with God, but we often work for God in our ways and according to our thoughts. We do not work at one with Him daily as He directs (John 14.1-31).


As the Son of Man, Jesus was One with the Father and did nothing but what He saw His Father do. We are one with God by Holy Spirit. It took me years to grasp this concept. I continue to learn as I walk with and abide in Christ. Old habits are difficult to break but possible.


I used to think carnal minds were non-believers. Carnality, however, is our world’s thinking that does not make room for an intimate relationship with God. Fellowship through the Spirit of God is part of God’s love package (2 Corinthians 13.14).


Father has given His Covenant Love through His Son’s cutting the Blood Covenant at His death. Jesus became the face of our faith, coming to earth as the Son of Man and Son of God. Reuniting Heaven and Earth, He is our Love bridge to our Heavenly Father. He is the only way to God.


We are to be Spirit-led, spiritually seated in Heavenly Places on the Throne next to the Father in Christ Jesus. Our Father is so rich in Mercy (Romans 8; Ephesians 2.4-6). We are His Kingdom children. In Christ, we learn to walk united with Him on earth.


The Cross's work opened the Heavens, so we can spiritually go up to where He is.


Are Our Thoughts From God?

Holy Spirit, if you ask, helps you catch what is happening in your mind that is not of God. Then you can repent to God for allowing your mind to accept what is not God’s Truth and disallow the carnal thinking we all have.


We resist wrong thoughts, and the enemy must flee. We can counteract lies with the Truth of the Word that frees us. Then we are indeed His disciples (John 8.31-32).


With repentance, sin barriers are removed. As a result, Jesus became God’s Grace released to us.


Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14.6). Let’s consistently walk and talk with Him until we become people of the Word and close friends with Christ (John 15.1-17). Jesus called His disciples friends.



Satan was defeated at the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus. But, until the last scene in the Book of Revelation plays out, our adversary is the king of the world systems and people that oppose Christ, increasing in wickedness as we have allowed.


While the church slept, the spirit of the leviathan slithered into families and churches that were not alert, into educational and medical systems, art and media, business, and government.


Spiritually, God is Lord over all the Earth. We have been given God’s authority through Christ that satan lost when he left heaven. Untrained Christ-followers are not yet warriors. Jesus needs His warriors to step into God’s plans for their lives.


God’s Army

Wake up! We are called to more incredible things than Jesus (John 14.12-14). God has turned the tables on our adversary through the New Covenant. He will work in and through us, His imperfect vessels, as He did with Esther to save a nation.


When you read the last chapters of The Book of Esther, you will see what happened when Esther bravely obeyed, and there is a face-off between God and satan. She did her part, and God did His. Our obedience makes a difference in the spiritual realm.


Why God works through people is beyond my understanding. Although God does not need us, He loves us beyond human comprehension. God has personal plans for each of us while we are on earth to work united with Him. Unfortunately, many believers are unaware or spiritually asleep.



We will become part of God’s army of worship warriors when we come out of complacency and put on God’s armor prepared for us (Ephesians 6.10-20). Then, the enemy’s fiery darts will no longer fester in our spirit, soul, and body. Instead, we will know how to dig out these darts with the Word of God as given by Holy Spirit to us. Other times, another believer will spiritually see the darts, arrows, and swords and pull them out.


Warriors learn to wield the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6.17).