Leviathan vs. Minds 5A Naturally Supernatural

leviathan vs. minds Feb 22, 2023

Leviathan vs. Minds 5A Naturally Supernatural

Naturally Supernatural?

I thought about Genesis 2, when our God stooped so low as to take dirt from the ground into His hands, form the first human and blow into him the breath of life. God created our spirit, soul (mind, will, and emotions), and body. This thought always amazes me.


Then I considered Jesus, who gives us His Father’s Spirit when we believe in Him. The Holy Spirit of God, one with our spirit, makes us naturally supernatural. Most believers do not realize that when they add their spiritual DNA to their physical DNA, they are fully equipped for their God-given destiny.


Certain leaders and prophets in the Old Testament walked and talked with God, having God’s Spirit within and upon them, depending on their assignment from God. Jesus dying and being resurrected made Holy Spirit available to all believers. Naturally supernatural, will we release Holy Spirit to work in and through our lives? Receiving God’s Spirit through Jesus, believers in Christ are spiritually anointed. Christ means anointed. Sealed with God’s Spirit, we become naturally supernatural.


Supernatural Joy

Solomon, in the book of Ecclesiastes, summarized life in one word, “Joy.” Jesus faced the Cross with Joy. He said His relationship with His disciples made His joy and theirs overflow (John 15.11).


Today is a new day. Will we live today in Joy, tucked in that safe place of Rest, with a song in our hearts and minds? Joy is an opportunity waiting to happen because Holy Spirit resides within.


Each day we choose to live by our natural intellect or in the supernatural by the Holy Spirit of God. Where will we set our will? What will be our focus?


Many believers in Christ have a religion based on form, history, and theology that perhaps fills a void. Hopefully, with the formalities and teachings, there is a rich blend of Scriptures and community where people love and reverence God, and love and help each other. I pray many will discover they can have a walking, talking relationship with our Living God, Who desires we come to know Him as a Person. From Genesis to Revelation, we see our God as relational. The ancients believed in a God Who was enthroned in Heaven and had dominion over the cosmos but was also always present with humanity in a personal and intimate way (Psalm 23; Psalm 51; Psalm 63; Psalm 139; Isaiah 63.10-11; Psalm 72.18-19; Psalm 15.2; Psalm 123.1).


With the Spirit of God’s indwelling, we can go higher than just fill a void. Holy Spirit teaches us to live naturally supernatural lives based on the Living Word. We learn to build a relationship with our Heavenly Father, Whom we can call Abba (Papa), and a friendship with our Lord Jesus Christ. For this reason, Christ paid the high price for our Redemption through His death on the Cross.


Our Father’s Children

The Great Commission steps into the realm of signs, miracles, and wonders and addresses the negative spiritual realm (Mark 16; Luke 10.16-23).get the point, Reading Acts, we see the power of the Gospel released.


Ephesians 6, our spiritual armor reveals the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. We, as anointed ones, are to wield this sword, proclaiming and decreeing the scriptures Holy Spirit gives us.


When we are spiritually prepared, as was David killing Goliath, Holy Spirit may ask us to do more, being one with Christ and having limitless power in Him. Without Him, we can do nothing that has eternal value (John 15.1-17). We become prepared vessels our Master can use to demonstrate His power and Love in and through us.


There were limitations when Jesus Christ walked with His disciples as they had yet to receive Holy Spirit. However, the limits were taken off when Holy Spirit came upon those waiting, as we see in the Book of Acts.


We are children of our Father in Heaven and part of His Spiritual Kingdom from the moment we believe in Jesus Christ. We are no longer our own, having been bought with the Blood of Jesus. We are Redeemed into a relationship with our Heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.


Our Father, through Christ, sent us Holy Spirit to live within each of us. This is the same Power that raised Christ from the dead. Therefore, we need never fear. Christ overcame the devil at the Cross by His shed Blood. Whatever comes our way in life, we are over-comers, living from a place of victory in Christ (Romans 8.37-39).


By setting our will, we can choose never to be constantly fearful again...not even be anxious over the little things! Perfected Love overcomes fear. Fear is a spirit instigated by satan and his demons (Romans 8.14-18; II Timothy 1.6-7). Fear and faith are opposites. We have the love of God, the power of Holy Spirit and the mind of Christ.


Demons play with our minds and emotions to paralyze us and keep us from completing the plans and purposes God has for us on this Earth. We have God’s Spirit and are not to receive any spirit that is not of God, such as fear, oppression, or offense. Pride is also our spiritual enemy. We are to be humble. Pride separates us from building a personal relationship with the Godhead—the humble draw near to God. The Hebrew word for humble, ‘anav’ means remnant. God personally teaches the humble; He puts a wall of fire of protection around the humble. As a result, their joy is increased, and there are many benefits (Psalm 25.9; 37.11; 69.31-33; 76.10; Proverbs 3.34; Isaiah 29.19; 61.1; Matthew 5.5).


Our choice is to live minute by minute, day by day by our intellect or by the Holy Spirit of the Most High God, Who uses our mind. Paul was known for his fine mind. When Paul completely surrendered his will to follow    God’s will, God used Paul’s intellect to change the known world for God’s Glory. With a surrendered heart, Paul walked into his God-given destiny.


Created spirit, soul, and body, we must be alert to good and bad spiritual things. Evil spirits lead to confusion, but Holy Spirit leads us to an abundant life of supernatural peace. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. We are not to live with our minds and emotions played with or deceived by any demons and misinterpretations in our thoughts. Holy Spirit will help us be aware of and sort God’s Truth.


When our will is set like flint to God’s will, all else comes into alignment with our will. Studies have found that most decisions people make are based on emotions. We do not desire to have our feelings rule us but to be Spirit-led (Romans 8).


Jesus said before He faced the Cross, ‘Father, Your will be done.’ Jesus then endured the Cross, despising the shame for the joy set before Him, knowing what was beyond the Cross (Hebrews 12.1-2).


Our will is the governing power of our nature. If our will is set rightly, the rest comes into harmony. Even when things seem impossible in emotions and thinking, what does the Word say? Set your will by the Word, which will settle all sin and self. Then, when you choose to obey God’s Truth, it is easier to put everything into His hands, trusting Him. We choose, by our will to deal with anger, offense, and other relational challenges. Quick to repent and fast to forgive, we clear the spiritual air around us.


What would our Father say? What would Jesus do in our situation? The Living Word tells us. Holy Spirit teaches, directs, and counsels us. We learn how to live God’s way and not the world’s way. Satan oversees anything in the world opposing Jesus. Naturally supernatural, we are never alone and always know what to do. We hear our Shephard’s voice and follow His lead.


Carolyn Terada