Leviathan vs. Minds 5D Sword of the Spirit

leviathan vs. minds personal development Apr 01, 2023

Sword of the Spirit

My sister and I had some knockdown, dragged-out fights in our childhood. She was five years older and was expected to babysit me. I did not want to be a “baby” or “sat on.” So we fought physically when she wanted me to mind her. Often, however, we used words that were not kind. As adults, we love each other. We have matured and choose not to fight with anyone. We have a super-close relationship and cover each other in prayers.


Adults can be spiritual babies and say unkind things to or about another person. God-lovers often realize that we do not fight against people but against spiritual wickedness. Our adversary is continually attempting to cause offenses and separate people. The result is divorce, split families, friendships, churches, and more. If a spoken word created the world, words are powerful. What do we create with our mouths?


What does the Word say? Ephesians 6 depicts a sword as a vital part of our armor. Armor protects; a sword is proactive to advance in battle. We carry within us the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God with which to fight.


The sword is often pictorially depicted as large in size in pictures of armor, but a dagger was also carried into battle. Ancient people fought with spears, bows, arrows, and large swords. However, they also carried small swords. A large sword is mighty, and a small sword or dagger is practical. It can be hidden for easy access. Spoken words in Scripture are depicted as swords, spears, arrows, and fiery darts. Words and actions of people wound. Words hurt, offend, cause anger, and separate people.


On the other hand, the Word of God, prayed and proclaimed is a mighty weapon of warfare, counteracting what the enemy is trying to do. In Matthew Four, Jesus gave us an example of using the Living Word in His encounter with Satan. What is the Living Word? It is Jesus (John 1.14; 6.51). Scripture becomes a weapon in our mouth when it is revealed by Holy Spirit and spoken by us. He will give us the Scriptures we need whenever we need them for assurance, comfort, revelation, or in a battle to be on the offense. The Word of God is living and active (Hebrews 4.12). It is quick and powerful, whether used for revelation or used to battle.


Words as Weapons

A dagger was used in ancient physical battles when darts would somehow get around parts of the armor. The darts would be dug out before they festered. Keep this small sword in mind, digging out fiery darts that strike our mind or other parts of our body, which are words by other people. We are to guard our hearts and minds so that we do not use daggers, arrows, and dart words against other people. My niece was a frontline intercessor, pastor, and prophet. We consistently spiritually pulled arrows, darts, and more from her back when she had pain. People spoke jealous words against her behind her back.


When you make a mistake with what comes out of your mouth, be quick to apologize for any angry words against another person. Do not let the sun go down on your anger to allow the enemy a foothold and bitterness to develop. Resolving issues quickly builds a fence around our minds so that the enemy cannot set up camp in our minds. This is wisdom (Ecclesiastics 7.9-12; Ephesians 4.26). How much better to proclaim words given by Holy Spirit over any matter until your mind is settled and you are again in the rest of God?


Give all your hurts to our Lord, and He will take care of the others who have wounded you. Being hurt by others often turns into anger. Your task is to guard your heart and mind in Christ. Dig out the darts quickly by forgiving the other person and stop the negative mind plays from evil lying spirits. This is definitely for your benefit. Stop now and then and take account of what you are thinking. Be alert to the enemy’s tactics, who would love to confuse, counteracting peace within your mind. It is difficult to praise the Lord with a mind in turmoil.


The Living Word heals even the deepest of heart wounds that often eventually manifest in the physical if left to fester within. Mind strongholds can become deep roots of bitterness due to agreement with the father of lies rather than following God’s ways, will, and Word. We are spirit, soul, and body. Our heart is our spirit and soul. Our soul is our mind, will, and emotions. Healing is from the inside out. When you read the Word, the original meaning of heart included spirit, soul, and body; they were not separated. Guarding your heart and giving your heart was all-inclusive. You would be giving all of yourself; you enlist yourself in God’s army to do whatever or go wherever Holy Spirit directed.


I want to challenge you. What would you expect to happen if you surrendered your entire body as a living sacrifice to the Lord for Him to use?



With practice, you will be able to roll words of others thrown at you off your shoulder and unto the Lord’s shoulder, not allowing words and comments to penetrate deep within. He will resolve conflict if allowed. He is your vindicator. For example, a pastor friend and his wife had a difference of opinion that brought strife. Each thought they were correct, and the other was wrong. Angry, they went to bed in separate rooms. The Lord dealt with both, and there was repentance and apologies from both sides before the night ended. In relationships, there are two sides to every coin. People view things uniquely. This is why Jesus died and was resurrected. He went low on our behalf to bring us high. Spiritually, we are seated in Heavenly places in Christ to get His view on how to function on the physical earth.


I discovered over the years that whenever there is a challenge and miscommunication with someone, I ask the Lord to deal with me first. God’s ways are higher than the world’s ways. There is no justification for strife. Love builds up: it does not tear down. (I Thessalonians 5.11; 1 Corinthians 13.4-7). One person is not 90% wrong, and the other person is 10%. Both are equally wrong in God’s eyes, as disunity and damaged feelings need healing. If you want to know God’s ways, read your Bible. In the process of developing your spiritual eyes and ears, read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Jesus demonstrated Father’s heart. In his words and actions, He never sinned. As hard as we may try, we do sin in thought and actions. Through His death and resurrection, when we do something that displeases our Papa, we can run to the Throne of Grace, repent, and ask for forgiveness. It will be granted. Our sins are forgiven, and we have become white as snow … until the next time we sin. This is why I am always quick to repent. I want nothing to separate me from my relationship with Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. In our covenant inheritance in Christ, we receive all of Who Jesus Christ is.


Names and Character of God Alive in Our Life

In the Blood Covenant relationship as the Bride of Christ, we surrender all of ourselves to receive all of Him! How good is that! For instance, we welcome the Name above all names, His character, all the promises and blessings in the Bible, the gifts of Holy Spirit, and more.


We can surrender one aspect of our life, thus surrendering in bits and pieces. Another approach is a total commitment to surrender and submit to His will and ways. We set our will to give everything, and then, as we walk everything through with Holy Spirit, He comes alongside us as our Helper.


When David sinned against God and was given three choices as a punishment, David chose to put himself in God’s hands as He fully trusted in God’s Name and Character (Psalm 54.1). David was the leader of the Judeans as king. There were consequences as their king because David represented God and His ways to God’s people.


Our Inheritance in Christ includes Irrevocable Covenant Promises, His Name, and Character. Can you trust Him with all your heart concerning the Name and Character of Christ? Let us submit ourselves to the Lord. Have you, like Abraham, Moses, and David, completely surrendered all of yourself and everything you are and have to trust who God is?


Abraham, the father of our faith, learned to trust God in all things, and it was accounted to him as righteousness. No matter how things looked in the natural, Abraham trusted in what God had said. Obeying God, Abraham left his original homeland on what would be a long journey of learning to trust. Choosing One God of the Universe, Abraham had to swim against the current of his times, rejecting all the other gods prevalent over different areas of land and territories.


Through many experiences, Abraham learned that God was a Covenant-keeping God of loving-kindness, faithfulness, and mercy. As a result, he got beyond fear and into a close relationship with God. Trust developed in who Abraham personally found God to be.


God trusted Abraham, and he became a prophet. Abraham ministered unto God, interceded, and longed for more of God. Abraham was called not only a prophet but a friend by God Himself. He did not look to his own life. Abraham saw beyond the natural into the spiritual realm.


Christ, as The Prophet, resides within each believer in the New Covenant. You may not walk in the office of a prophet, but Paul advises that our aim in life be to love and desire spiritual gifts earnestly, especially that we prophesy (I Corinthians 14.1). Like Abraham, we must let go of figuring everything out in our minds and allow God to move.


Joseph and Daniel in the Hebrew Bible sought God to interpret dreams for kings. One king paid attention, and the other did not. Joseph of the Gospels had visions and dreams concerning the virgin birth of Jesus, fleeing the country, and returning with the Christ Child.


The Prophetic

What is your attitude toward dreams, visions, and the prophetic? God speaks to us through prophets, dreams, and visions. But, also, He speaks in words of knowledge and interpretations.


We are told in Scripture to desire the spiritual Gifts given by Holy Spirit. Created in the image of God, we are spiritual beings, people with the Breath of God within (Genesis1.26-28; 2.7).


You may feel uncomfortable because no one has taught you, and what is stated is unfamiliar. As you read the Word, Holy Spirit will give you Scriptures to answer your questions. Press through any fears concerning your spiritual eyes, ears, and other spiritual senses. An apostolic center that often meets on days other than Sundays can encourage you. They train to send others out to do what Jesus demonstrated. They recognize the prophetic operation in little children. On Sundays, the apostles are often called to teach in churches to pastors who realize what an asset they are. They teach believers how to pick up the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, and battle for the souls and welfare of people. They teach how to walk in the authority of our covenant blessings in Christ. We are positioned as Kingdom royalty, dwelling with Jesus, to represent the King of Kings on this earth. Old Testament leaders such as Abraham, Moses, and David represented God. It is our honor to represent Jesus.