An Argument For Love / Unity is God’s Love Language
Feb 14, 2023An Argument For Love
Unity is God’s Love Language
Sitting in my quiet time, I envisioned our Heavenly Father as our orchestra conductor. As His unique instruments, each of us looks intensely at our conductor for guidance. Then, with practice, we stay on key with a unique flow to make beautiful music together with God and each other. Unity is God’s love language.
Harmony is our Heavenly Father’s desire. He sent Jesus to represent Him physically and later His Spirit through the risen Christ to be joined with our spirit. Father’s love flows through Jesus, in and through us, back to Him and the world around us. Our closest world is our family.
The story below represents many Christian families who love the Lord and His ways and yet do not or have not learned to seek God’s will in everything, large and small.
In Japan, we are in a season of applying and testing for the next level of schooling. My friend’s daughter and granddaughter are deep in an argument over which university the granddaughter would attend. Her granddaughter is doing the necessary prerequisites to attend her dream university. It is a Christian school, high in ranking and reputation. However, her daughter said the university was too expensive.
This type of scenario is all too common among committed Christians. Disunity.
What would Jesus say? Would he ask the women to sit with Him for a while and get His view? Of course, He would!
Moses and Solomon Connect To God and Lead Others
People came to Moses and Solomon to settle arguments.
During the time of Solomon, many came from abroad to find Solomon and tap into it His wisdom. Even Solomon’s distant cousin, by Abraham’s second wife Ketruah, the queen of Sheba, journeyed up to seven years from Ethiopia to see if what she had heard was true. So it was (I Kings 10.1-13; Matthew12.42; Luke 11.31).
When YHWH, God of the Universe, inquired what Solomon wanted God to do for him, Solomon asked God for wisdom to rule God’s people, the Israelites (1 Kings 3).
The Spirit of Wisdom was with both Moses and Solomon.
These were men anointed and appointed by God to accomplish His plans for their lives and those of His people, the Israelites.
Jesus provided a better plan for His death and resurrection because His plan included both Jews and non-Jews. Father’s Spirit now resides in all believers, sent through Jesus. The Spirit of Wisdom, the Spirit of Christ, is available to all believers. Do they ask for Wisdom?
New Testament Problem Solving
What does the Word say about problem-solving? If we need wisdom, we must ask God, who generously gives (James 1.5). Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Wisdom (Isaiah 11.2). He resides within each believer. We have the answers waiting to be revealed, but as believers, we still need to ask.
Our God always hears the cries of our hearts. No sounds escape Him. Both women in this true story continue in distress. Their tears are like liquid words. Our Heavenly Father hears them all. Unless they come to Jesus for Father’s view, the conflict will continue, and all parties will be wounded. This does not need to be.
Many believers cry out to God, but few put Him at the center of their decision-making. This is really sad. They do not ask God’s will and then sit and wait for His answer. His speaking to our soul matters much more than most believers in Christ realize. We are to be in harmony with God’s heart and with others. The Living Word, found in our Bible, speaks to our hearts.
The Lie That Separates
The original sin in the Garden of Eden was Adam and Eve making decisions with their minds, not including God. This is pride. The same problem continues throughout history. Adam and Eve were to co-labor with God. Instead, the adversary convinced Adam and Eve that they did not need God when they made decisions. So be aware of the tactics of the enemy of our souls.
Seeking Father’s Will
All three women love the Lord. They have not, however, been taught Biblical conflict resolution. In this instance, where does God, Who lives out of time and can see the future, fit into the picture? What is His will? Jesus is Savior and King, but we are His beloved ones. He loves us beyond our comprehension, and Father has a plan and a purpose for each person. What is His plan for this young lady’s life?
Our Heavenly Father does not measure by who is right or wrong in an argument. Unity is His measure. Unity is love expressed to Him and others.
The advice would be to join hands, lay down their differences, repent for the disunity in the house, and not seeking Father’s will. Then the three women would wait for God to speak to their soul, often through the Word of God during their daily reading.
Father would provide the finances if it were Father’s will that the young lady would go to the university of her choice. Nothing is too difficult for Him.
Let us all be on guard against the tactics of the enemy of our soul. When there is contention, we are to fix it quickly. We repent for our part. Quickly forgiving others and asking forgiveness, the spirit of offense is less likely to separate people.
From the creation of mankind, it was planned to work with God. Life expresses God’s love and releases joy and peace when we include God’s will at the center of our decision-making. We embrace Him, our God who is Love.
Yes, always!
Anything else is pride.
“May Your perfect will be done in my life, Father!”
Psalm 40.4-5, 8
“Blessing after blessing comes to those who love and trust the Lord.
They will not fall away, for they refuse to listen to the lies of the proud.
Oh Lord, our God, no one can compare with You.
Such wonderful works and miracles are all found with You!
And you think of us all the time with Your countless expressions of love—
Far exceeding our expectations …
I delight to do Your will, my God, for Your living words are written
On the pages of my heart.”
Carolyn Terada