Donations are urgently needed for formatting and publishing programs and Bible-based books abroad in developing countries.



If you are ready to take action and create the outcomes you want, we offer coaching programs to assist you in the process. Pursue a more focused level of intentional growth through our transformational coaching services.



Hi. I'm Dr. Carolyn Terada and as a pastor, Bible scholar, teacher, counselor, and coach; I am teaching Christians belonging to churches in Pakistan, Zimbabwe, and other developing countries who desire to have a closer relationship with the Lord, how to achieve an intimate relationship with God the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Check out pastors in other countries in the donation area and see if there is a ministry you would like to personally connect with. They speak English. I will help you connect with them. Funds will go directly into their needs. 

One-on-One and Group Coaching:

  • How to get unstuck
  • How to build a closer relationship with the Lord
  • How to better hear Holy Spirit
  • How to start each day in His Presence
  • And much, much more!


Worldwide we are family as the children of God. Pastors want Bibles, help with orphans and much more. Believers need to be taught how to hear God’s voice so that they feel incredibly clear to walk out their calling in the most challenging circumstances. When they hear God clearly they can make confident decisions, go to bed in peace and wake up with joy in their hearts. Bible truths are for God-lovers spiritually hungry. Raising the next generation for Jesus, pastors need our help. They need to know we care. Many believers have limited knowledge of the Bible and I am working with pastors when they have questions. As the world around us is in turmoil we must provide not only for the physical needs of people but also spiritual bread for believers. In appreciation for your generous donation, please download my ebook, "Deep Unto Deep", a book that gives some insight into our Heavenly Father sending His Holy Spirit to be one with our spirit, and how that impacts our Christian walk with God.

Please click one of the donation buttons below. We appreciate your gift.



Thank You For Your Donation. In Appreciation, Please Download Your FREE GIFT NOW!

Deep Unto Deep
by Carolyn Terada

This eBook by Carolyn Terada's is available as a free download. Inside of this eBook, you will learn:

  • How to Experience God’s Love
  • How to Explore the Path to Peace
  • How to Receive Revelation through the Word
  • How to Live everyday with Holy Spirit
  • How to Shift into Your God-given Destiny

What People Are Saying:

Lydia Murgiah


"Carolyn is a positive and a true inspiration to me. Her writings are strongly guided by God's Word and consistently encourage and strengthens my faith while gaining a deeper understanding of the Word of God.

Carolyn provides practical and effective insights on how to rejuvenate your spiritual growth by gaining a strong sense of empowerment and fulfillment through God's word."

Sharon Corbett

Fukuoka, Japan

"Life’s Journey can be very challenging and appear impossible. In a time when my life no longer made sense, Dr. Carolyn’s teaching and encouragement helped me stand and help others.

Thank you very much!"

Val Augustin


“Carolyn has been a friend since 2013. When I speak to Carolyn I feel encouraged and uplifted by her words. Her many years of soaking in God’s presence and ruminating on His Word form solid foundations for the insights she brings, inspired in the moment by the Holy Spirit. She reminds me that praising God is the key to a breakthrough, and she is right. With Carolyn’s mentoring and coaching I am making rapid progress towards God’s truly abundant life of freedom and assurance. I highly recommend Carolyn as a coach and mentor."

Peggy Nungesser

California, USA

"We have only met in person once several years ago. But because of online technology, I consider you a dear friend.

When Covid attempted to invade the Footstool of God, I found comfort in your writings. It is apparent that you have learned the secret of letting God lead and direct your steps through this earthly journey. You have not only written words of hope and comfort from a Biblical perspective but your knowledge of the Word is deep and applicable. It seems in each writing some unbeknown insights are offered. Holy Spirit has gifted you with teaching eternal truths.

Being a woman of God also makes you a woman of prayer. Through the years you have graciously shared my prayer burdens by intercession ministry. Thank you. May God give you a bountiful harvest as you reach out online to bless, teach and heal."

Fay Dash


"I have had the privilege of knowing Carolyn Terada for approximately 15 years. I first met Carolyn on the basis of sharing common business interests namely, to hopefully bring better health, healing and hope to many people suffering with various health needs and to bring support for many pain sufferers who were in need of healing.
Carolyn and her husband developed products that have the ability to heal and restore the body. I was impressed by their dedication both to mankind and God.

I have found Carolyn to be a very faithful friend. She is always eager to give in every way she can, and I find her to be faithful and trustworthy, not just in business but also in her willingness to give to others. What Carolyn possesses in character and integrity is a rare gift that is very much needed today. I hope and pray Carolyn will be given her greatest desire, to love and serve God and to love others as God loves her."

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